The Absolute Best SugarCRM Alternatives on the Market

Best SugarCRM Alternatives

If you are in the market for a good CRM, you’ve probably considered SugarCRM. While this is a good tool, it does lack in certain departments, meaning it’s not for everyone. If you are one of those people, make sure to keep reading as we are going to give you a quick overview of a few great alternatives of Sugar CRM. Read more

Best Free Video Tools for Teachers to Create Hassle-Free and Engaging Lessons

Teacher Video Tools

Ever since the pandemic hit, many of us had to get accustomed to working from home, and arguably teachers have had the hardest time in doing so. As if dealing with 20 children, or even worse, teenagers, weren’t hard enough. Thankfully by using video conferencing tools like Zoom and Google Hangouts, that has become more manageable. Still, it is hard to get the same level of engagement when you are not working with children face to face. Read more

How to Redirect Posts and Pages in WordPress: A Quick Run-Down of the Basics and the Best Plugins for the Job

Redirect Posts

If you are interested in employing redirects on your WordPress website, you have come to the right place, as this article will give you a brief overview of what redirects are and when to use them. And after you get an idea of what they are, we will provide you with a list of tools that will help implement redirects on your website. So without further ado, here we go. Read more