Welcome to UnitConversion.io

Welcome to UnitConversion.io. This website was made to be the best unit conversion website on the internet. The way that I hope to achieve this is to make the pages extremely fast and responsive. As you will see below, there are many unit types and an extensive unit list to choose from, which differentiates UnitConversion.io from other similar sites. Our aim is to be a destination for students, professionals, and everyone in between for converting units quickly and in a well presented format. I hope you enjoy the site, and contact me if you have any feedback!


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Unit Conversion




Unit Types


Convert units of length. Examples of such units are centimeters and inches.

Length Conversion


Convert units of area. Examples of such units are kilometers squared and square feet.

Area Conversion


Convert units of mass. Examples of such units are kilograms and ounces.

Mass Conversion


Convert units of volume. Examples of such units are tablespoon and feet cubed.

Volume Conversion


Convert units of temperature. Examples of such units are fahrenheit and kelvin.

Temperature Conversion


Convert units of time. Examples of such units are seconds and minutes.

Time Conversion


Convert units of speed. Examples of such units are knots and feet per second.

Speed Conversion


Convert units of pressure. Examples of such units are torrs and pounds per square inch.

Pressure Conversion


Convert units of digital. Examples of such units are gigabits and bytes.

Digital Conversion

Parts Per

Convert units of parts per. Examples of such units are parts-per-billion and parts-per-quadrillion.

Parts Per Conversion


Convert units of voltage. Examples of such units are volts and millivolts.

Voltage Conversion


Convert units of current. Examples of such units are amps and milliamps.

Current Conversion


Convert units of power. Examples of such units are kilowatts and gigawatts.

Power Conversion


Convert units of energy. Examples of such units are megawatt hours and kilojoules.

Energy Conversion

Volume Flow Rate

Convert units of volume flow rate. Examples of such units are liters per minute and teaspoons per second.

Volume Flow Rate Conversion


Convert units of frequency. Examples of such units are megahertz and degrees per second.

Frequency Conversion


Convert units of pace. Examples of such units are seconds per meter and seconds per foot.

Pace Conversion


Convert units of illuminance. Examples of such units are lux and foot-candles.

Illuminance Conversion

Reactive Power

Convert units of reactive power. Examples of such units are mvar and kvar.

Reactive Power Conversion


Convert units of angle. Examples of such units are degrees and gradians.

Angle Conversion