The Customer-Centric Approach: Building Products with End-User Satisfaction in Mind

The Customer-Centric Approach: Building Products with End-User Satisfaction in Mind

It’s no secret that product development is a highly iterative process. Throughout a project, you’ll invariably find yourself going back to the drawing board more than once—whether it’s to fix bugs or address user feedback. But what happens when your users are not only giving you negative feedback on their experience with your app or service but also not using it? Consider Airbnb: for this startup to grow beyond its core market of travelers and guests, it had to ensure that hosts were satisfied with their Airbnb experiences as well. And so began a period where Airbnb focused its efforts on improving guest satisfaction through user interviews conducted by employees who weren’t engineers or designers; these interviews led them down paths they hadn’t thought about before because they weren’t focused on finding new features for end users so much as solving problems for hosts.” Read more