How to Promote Your Tax Classes via Digital Marketing

Doing taxes is a scary endeavor. There are so many finances to keep track of and there is always the fear of messing up somewhere. Regardless, there are ways people can learn how to do their taxes effectively and properly. Such as by taking a class that teaches people how to do so.

As an instructor that teaches such a class, you’d want to ensure that you attract a lot of students. In order to do so, you can take advantage of digital marketing and promote your classes online. How can you do it? What do you need to do? Here are some things you can try out to promote your tax classes.

Social media

Promote On Social Media

Social media is one of the most potent ways for online promotion. As such, this should always be in your digital marketing arsenal. Make announcements of your course early on with enough information and material that inspires people to sign up. Once you grow, you may offer more details that target an even wider audience. Graphical content has a better engagement than text, so focus on creating that, such as flyers. You can use PosterMyWall’s customizable flyer templates for that purpose. These are easy to make and take only a few minutes to do so. You can use these templates to create several posts in advance and then upload them later on.

Once you have created your social media pages and made the initial posts, ensure that you post consistently. Your followers and students will check your pages every now and then for updates, so it’s important to have content there for them. Facebook and Instagram allow you to create communities for your class easily so consider using them primarily.

Take this example below. The design is a general one that can be used for an online course. It has basic information regarding the course, contact details, and some visual representation of the subject matter at hand. You may use this or a similar design, tweak it for a tax class, add in your details, and post it on your social media accounts. Add in a link where people can sign up in the caption and you will have a good post to announce the launch of your course.

Optimize Your Website And Content For Search Engines

Chances are you are mostly concerned with creating and conducting your course teaching people about taxes. This is fine but in doing so, you may be ignoring doing SEO on your site and content. This is the factor that shows your course to prospective students and ranks it higher in searches. Needless to see, it’s pretty important.

One way to do this is by using keywords in your content that will get picked up in searches. There are multiple tools that can give these keywords, but you can just do some google searches to determine this yourself as well. Use the higher-ranking keywords in your title and intro but don’t overstuff your content. This will make your content rank lower and will have the opposite effect than intended.

Email marketing

Use The Power Of Email Marketing

Once you have people who sign up for a course, you want to keep them engaged even after it ends. You may have future courses that you may want them to sign up among other things. As such, it is better to keep them engaged which you can do via email marketing. It has a return on investment and allows you to be a bit more intimate and direct with your audience.

Whenever someone signs up, collect their emails and create a mailing list. You may then send out updates and the like to this list periodically. Whenever you have a new course coming up, you may first send out personalized invitations to this list. It will make them feel like they are part of an exclusive club and will be likely to engage.

Make Promotional Videos

Platforms such as YouTube and TikTok are made for video sharing with millions, if not billions, sharing videos on them. They also have an equal number of viewers and users, meaning that promoting your tax classes there should be a priority.

Make accounts on these platforms and create videos promoting your tax classes. Invite your viewers to sign up for your classes and describe what benefits they can receive. If you have any deals or offers, this is the time to advertise them.

Many people believe that digital marketing is rocket science but the truth couldn’t be further from it. It consists of some easy, simple, but effective strategies that yield results when done properly and consistently. The key is persistence even when you’re getting the results you want. If you do that, you will be able to promote your tax classes effectively using digital marketing.