Financial assets to be aware of in 2023

If you want to invest your money in 2023, then you are probably wondering where to start. The world is flush with financial assets of all shapes and sizes, and the global economic landscape is more turbulent than it has been in over a decade.

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This makes identifying good opportunities tricky because markets fluctuate wildly, and the financial picture changes as inflation, the war in Ukraine, pandemic debts, and the cost of living crisis impact everyone’s lives.

This uncertainty makes it more important than ever to choose the right vessels to store your money in, both in the short and long term. As various nations worldwide begin to experiment with central bank digital currencies (CDBCs), storing spare cash in conventional currency may be a thing of the past, which is why finding alternative assets is crucial.

Of course, when you do start to choose a financial asset to invest in, it is vital that you do your due diligence and research them thoroughly. This doesn’t just mean glancing at a price performance graph but understanding why the asset is valuable and whether that value will continue to be served in the future.

Here are three financial assets to be aware of in 2023:


The first financial asset you should keep an eye on in 2023 is Ethereum. This is a decentralized platform built on a blockchain network. At the heart of the network is the ETH token, which is used both as a tradeable cryptocurrency and fuel to drive production on the network. ETH is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and is regarded by many as a ‘blue-chip’ crypto.

To understand the difference between Bitcoin and ETH in layman’s terms, you should consider bitcoin as gold and ETH as oil. Bitcoin was designed to be an incorruptible, un-inflatable financial asset, whereas ETH is used as a commodity for various use cases.

These use cases include powering the countless projects on the network, from almost all NFT projects to DeFi. This is what makes ETH so valuable. ETH is available to purchase on various crypto exchanges, including OKX.


Another asset worth paying close attention to is gold.

Many nations currently struggle with currency debasement and the resulting inflation, so finding an innately valuable asset is critical. This is why gold continues to be popular.

It has been used for thousands of years as a financial asset purely because it has innate value. Whether you want to use it in jewelry or bury it in the ground for a hundred years, gold’s unique qualities will always give it some value. This is why assets like gold are worth considering during these troubling economic times.

Real estate

House number on wall of building

Lastly, you should always have real estate somewhere on your list when you are thinking about assets to invest in. This is because, like gold, real estate will always have a fraction of value. This is for the simple reason that everyone needs somewhere to live. What’s more, with the housing market in the US and the UK set to tumble over the next few years, you may be able to pick up some bargains further down the road.