7 Expert Tips to Ace Your Next Essay

Essays are a common assignment in high school, college, and beyond, but coming up with ideas for essays can be difficult even for the most decorated high school essay writers. What if you don’t have enough to say about the topic? What if you run out of things to write on your essay paper?

The best way to avoid these problems is to brainstorm essay ideas before you write. That way, you’ll have plenty of topics at your disposal when it comes time to actually write your paper. Here are seven expert tips that will help you brainstorm essay topics so you can ace your next essay and earn good grades on this important assignment.

Start with an outline

Start by writing an outline for your essay. Make sure that you have a strong introduction and conclusion, with at least three supporting points in between. To facilitate this process, you may also explore utilizing an AI-driven essay generator, such as EssayGPT.

Outlining is one of the most time-consuming parts of the process, but it pays off! Writing out your thoughts helps prevent writer’s block and reduces mistakes because it keeps you focused on what needs to be said.

Avoid using cliches

A man wearing eyeglasses doing thumbs down

Avoid using cliches in your essays. Doing so can make your essay seem trite and unoriginal. For example, do not start an essay with a statement like The natural world has the power to change one’s life. It is too cliché and will detract from your originality as a writer. Also, avoid filler words such as I believe or In my opinion, which makes it seem like you are just listing off opinions without making a good case for them.

Use simple language

Use simple language. When you’re writing an essay, use simple language so that the average person can understand what you are saying. Don’t make people try to decipher your words by using complicated words. The best essays are written in a way that everyone can comprehend and understand. So keep it easy!

Study experts

Study other experts’ work and follow their advice. For example, to be a good cook, one must study the work of great chefs and follow their recipes. In the same way, you can use published essays as a guide for your own writing.

Look for articles about topics that interest you in your favorite magazines or newspapers and read them with a pen in hand to take notes on what works well. You may also want to go online and explore blog posts from professional writers about how they write better sentences or paragraphs.

Set goals

Set goals and make sure they are SMART. They should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Establish deadlines for yourself and work on a plan so you don’t get overwhelmed with all the work. You can use a time management app or something like an egg timer. It’s important to keep your mind fresh because it will help you stay focused when you’re working on writing your essay. Take breaks during the day so that your brain has a chance to rest and recharge before tackling another assignment.

Perfect your voice and tone

work flow

Perfect your voice and tone. There are many ways you can do this, such as by rereading what you’ve written and checked for any grammatical errors, double-checking facts in the body of the essay, and editing sentences to make sure they’re not repetitive or redundant. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to move on to another key element: word choice. Make sure that every word is chosen wisely; there should be a reason why each word is used instead of others.

Take breaks from the task at hand

Take breaks from the task at hand and do something else, like going for a walk or reading a book. You’ll feel refreshed when you return to the essay and be able to tackle it with renewed energy. If you can’t take a break, try listening to music. When I’m writing essays for school, I always have music on in the background because it helps me relax and focus on what I’m doing. Some people like to watch TV while they write essays, but this distracts them and doesn’t work as well as music does.